vhsm agent

Learn to start a vHSM agent for managing token lifecycle, writing tokens to sinks, and acting as an identity broker in specific deployment.

The vhsm agent command starts a vHSM Agent that performs automatic authentication in environments where persistent and seamless authentication is required. This is useful for managing token lifecycle, writing tokens to sinks, and acting as an identity broker in specific deployment scenarios.


vhsm agent [options]

This command starts the agent using a specified configuration file and optional flags.


Start a vHSM agent using a configuration file:

vhsm agent -config=/etc/vhsm/config.json

HTTP Options



Address of the vHSM server (default: Can be set using VAULT_ADDR.


Address of the agent. Can be set using VAULT_AGENT_ADDR.


Path to a PEM-encoded CA certificate (overrides -ca-path). Set via VAULT_CACERT.


Path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA certificates. Set via VAULT_CAPATH.


Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate for TLS auth. Requires -client-key. Set via VAULT_CLIENT_CERT.


Path to the PEM-encoded private key matching the client cert. Set via VAULT_CLIENT_KEY.


Prevents automatic HTTP redirect following (default: false). Set via VAULT_DISABLE_REDIRECTS.


Adds custom HTTP headers (cannot start with X-Vault-). Repeatable.


Supply MFA credentials for X-Vault-MFA. Set via VAULT_MFA.


Set namespace for the command. Shortcut: -ns. Set via VAULT_NAMESPACE.


Disables interactive prompts (default: false).


Outputs equivalent cURL command instead of executing (default: false).


Outputs example HCL policy instead of executing (default: false).


Override Sentinel policy with soft-mandatory enforcement (default: false).


Set TLS SNI host name. Set via VAULT_TLS_SERVER_NAME.


Skip TLS certificate verification (not recommended). Set via VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY.


Key to unlock a namespace API lock.


Wrap response with a cubbyhole token (e.g., 30s, 5m). Set via VAULT_WRAP_TTL.

Command Options



Path to the agent configuration file. This file should contain agent directives only.


Agent exits with code 0 after one successful authentication and sink write (default: false).


File path to write agent logs.


Log format: standard or json. Set via VAULT_LOG_FORMAT.


Log verbosity: trace, debug, info, warn, or error. Set via VAULT_LOG_LEVEL.


Maximum size in bytes before log rotation.


Max duration before log rotation (e.g., 30s, 1h).


Max number of rotated log files to retain.




Generate a base configuration file for the vHSM agent.

Last updated

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