
Here, we are going to showcase several use cases that have seamlessly integrated enclaive's development kit. The kit aims to ease the enclavation of containers.


pageRedis in cK8spageMongoDB in cK8spageK8s + HashiCorp Vault on Azure DCsv3


arangodb-sgx ArangoDB-SGX

mysql-sgx MariaDB-SGX

mongodb-sgx MongoDB-SGX

redis-sgx Redis-SGX

nodejs-sgx Nodejs-SGX

python-sgx Python-SGX

rust-sgx Rust-SGX

go-sgx Go-SGX

php-sgx PHP-SGX

ruby-sgx Ruby-SGX

java-sgx Java-SGX

c-sgx C-SGX

cplusplus-sgx Cpp-SGX

csharp-sgx Csharp-SGX

mosquitto-sgx Mosquitto-SGX

nginx-sgx Nginx-SGX

wordpress-sgx Wordpress-SGX

umami-sgx Umami-SGX

hashicorp-vault-sgx Always encrypted Hashicorp Vault

Confidential Apps in Action

Watch how enclaived docker containers are hacked. The demo code can be found in the `demo` branch of the corresponding enclaive docker container repository.

Dumping the Redis Memory while in Use (read more)

MariaDB Data-in-Use encryption of SQL queries (read more)

MongoDB Data-in-Use encyption of password insertion (read more)

ArangoDB Data-in-Use Encryption (read more)

NodeJS Express and Protection against Runtime Leakage (read more)

Attempt to modify protected Volume/Files (read more)

Write a file into shared encrypted Volume (read more)

HTTPS server prevents the access to X.509 certificate private key (read more)

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