
In this article you learn to register an account with EMCP.

Step-by-step guide

Follow these quick steps to create an account: Visit the registration page, complete your account details, confirm your email, share your insights in a brief survey, and finalize your registration by verifying your identity and adding a payment method.

  1. Go to the registration page, and fill in all the information to create an account.

  1. Go to your mailbox, and click on the link we sent to you to confirm your email address.

  1. Answer our survey.

  1. Verify your identity with a payment method, now you can click on Add a Card to proceed.

  1. Fill in all the billing information.

  1. Now, the registration process is complete!

Trial Account

If you do not want to register an active account. You just want to peek in, simply click on Skip step to bypass the questionnaire and payment method. You may add at the payment method to your account through the settings page

Last updated