Recovery mode

Recovery tokens are issued in much the same way as root tokens are generated, only using a different endpoint, and the Vault node must be sealed first. Unlike root tokens, the recovery token is not persisted, so if Vault is restarted into recovery mode a new one must be generated.

Only a single recovery token can be generated. If lost, restart Vault and generate a new one.

Raw requests

Requests can be issued to sys/raw in just the same way as in regular Vault server mode. The only difference is that in recovery mode, X-Vault-Token must contain a recovery token instead of a service or batch token.

Reform the raft cluster

Recovery mode Vault automatically resizes the cluster to size 1. This is necessary because the Raft protocol won't allow changes to be made without a quorum, and in recovery mode we wish to make changes using a single node.

This means that after having used recovery mode, part of the procedure for returning to active service must include re-forming the raft cluster. There are two ways to do so: either delete the vault data directory on the other nodes and re-join them to the recovered node, or use the Manual Recovery Using peers.json approach to get all nodes to agree on what nodes are part of the cluster.

Last updated