The /sys/storage/raft endpoints are used to manage Vault's Raft storage backend.
Join a raft cluster
This endpoint joins a new server node to the Raft cluster. When using Shamir seal, as soon as the Vault server is brought up, this API should be invoked instead of sys/init. This API completes in 2 phases. Once this is invoked, the joining node will receive a challenge from the Raft's leader node. This challenge can be answered by the joining node only after a successful unseal. Hence, the joining node should be unsealed using the unseal keys of the Raft's leader node.
leader_api_addr(string: <required>) – Address of the leader node in the Raft cluster to which this node is trying to join.
retry(bool: false) - Retry joining the Raft cluster in case of failures.
leader_ca_cert(string: "") - CA certificate used to communicate with Raft's leader node.
leader_client_cert(string: "") - Client certificate used to communicate with Raft's leader node.
leader_client_key(string: "") - Client key used to communicate with Raft's leader node.
leader_tls_servername(string: "") - TLS servername to use when connecting with HTTPS. Should match one of the names in the DNS SANs of the remote server certificate.
auto_join(string: "") - Defines any cloud auto-join metadata. If supplied, Vault will attempt to automatically discover peers in addition to what can be provided via 'leader_api_addr'.
auto_join_scheme(string: "https") - URI scheme to be used for auto_join.
auto_join_port(int: 8200) - Port to be used for auto_join.
non_voter(bool: false) (enterprise) - If set, will make the server not participate in the Raft quorum, and have it only receive the data replication stream. This can be used to add read scalability to a cluster in cases where a high volume of reads to servers are needed. The default is false.
Additionally, the following options are allowed in Vault open-source, but relevant functionality is only supported in Vault Enterprise:
non_voter(bool: false) - Joins the node to the cluster in non-voter mode which results in Vault's data being replicated to it, but does not contribute to the quorum count.
This endpoint returns a snapshot of the current state of the raft cluster. The snapshot is returned as binary data and should be redirected to a file. Unavailable if Raft is used exclusively for ha_storage.
Installs the provided snapshot, returning the cluster to the state defined in it. This is same as writing to /sys/storage/raft/snapshot except that this bypasses checks ensuring the Autounseal or shamir keys are consistent with the snapshot data. Unavailable if Raft is used exclusively for ha_storage.
When a node uses Raft exclusively for ha_storage, this endpoint is used to activate Raft. It is analogous to using sys/init to initialize storage, in that it only needs to be done once per cluster, after which vault operator raft join is used to add more nodes to the Raft cluster.