
The endpoints under sys/config/state return Vault's configuration state. Currently, it only supports returning a sanitized version of the configuration.

Get sanitized configuration state

This endpoint returns a sanitized version of the configuration state. The configuration excludes certain fields and mappings in the configuration file that can potentially contain sensitive information, which includes values from Storage.Config, HAStorage.Config, Seals.Config and the Telemetry.CirconusAPIToken value.




Sample request

$ curl \
  --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

  "api_addr": "",
  "cache_size": 0,
  "cluster_addr": "",
  "cluster_cipher_suites": "",
  "cluster_name": "",
  "default_lease_ttl": 0,
  "default_max_request_duration": 0,
  "disable_cache": false,
  "disable_clustering": false,
  "disable_indexing": false,
  "disable_mlock": false,
  "disable_performance_standby": false,
  "disable_printable_check": false,
  "disable_sealwrap": false,
  "enable_ui": true,
  "listeners": [
      "config": {
        "address": "",
        "tls_disable": 1
      "type": "tcp"
  "log_format": "",
  "log_level": "",
  "max_lease_ttl": 0,
  "pid_file": "",
  "plugin_directory": "/opt/vault/plugins",
  "raw_storage_endpoint": false,
  "seals": [
      "disabled": false,
      "type": "shamir"
  "storage": {
    "cluster_addr": "",
    "disable_clustering": false,
    "redirect_addr": "",
    "type": "inmem"

Last updated