
There are several options to install Vault:

  1. Use a precompiled binary.

  2. Install from source.

  3. Helm for Kubernetes

Precompiled binaries

To install the precompiled binary, download the applicable package for your system. Vault is packaged as a zip file.

Once the zip is downloaded, unzip the file into your designated directory. The vault binary inside is all that is necessary to run Vault (or vault.exe for Windows). No additional files are required to run Vault.

Copy the binary to your system. If you intend to access it from the command-line, ensure that you place the binary somewhere on your PATH.

Refer to the Tutorials to start a server, put your first secret, and use other features of Vault.

Compiling from source

To compile from source, you will need Go installed and properly configured (including a GOPATH environment variable set), as well as a copy of git in your PATH.

Clone the Vault repository from GitHub into your GOPATH:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $_
$ git clone
$ cd vault

Bootstrap the project. This will download and compile libraries and tools needed to compile Vault:

$ make bootstrap

Build Vault for your current system and put the binary in ./bin/ (relative to the git checkout). The make dev target is just a shortcut that builds vault for only your local build environment (no cross-compiled targets).

$ make dev

Verifying the installation

To verify Vault is installed, run vault -h on your system. You should see the help output. If you are executing it from the command line, ensure it is on your PATH to avoid receiving an error that Vault is not found.

$ vault -h


Following tutorials provide some guidance on production cluster deployment:

  • Day One Preparation

  • Recommended Patterns

Last updated